


Pupils' work in Sevilla

Pupils' work in Buzau

Pupils' work in Warszawa

Pupils' work in Liffré


Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils
Romanian teachers
Romanian pupils
Polish teachers
Polish pupils
French teachers
French pupils

Pupils' work in Sevilla

Last year we noticed that we needed more time in order to do the eTwinning project at the same time we explained the subject of area. So this year we asked for an extra hour a week to work with the students, but this was not able to.
We work with a group of 22 voluntier students and even we are three teachers working in the same level (4º ESO) with the group of students that belong to the FUSURUP project , we do not have all of them at the same time. We have to repeat the same instructions several times to get all the students know them. This situation and the group of students make the project to be slower than last year.

As far this is less productive than we´d liked to, we have to decide to write down several instructions, so the students can read them when they need them. We give them sometimes in papers and other times we upload them to the web.

September-October: We have been making the different groups, explaining what the project was and how we were going to work. Also we have been asking for permission to all the parents

November: We have been preparing the slideshow presenting ourselves.
Also we have organised and realised a real gymkhana in the centre of town with the students.

December: The students have played  the Self-portrait 1 and 2 activity from the French Team and have watched the video from the Romanian team at the classroom.
The students have made the two tasks in Geography: Where do the partners live? and How far do we live?.

They have made also: What´s the name our school? (level 1) and Number in different languages.

January-February: We worked out the Gymkhana in English and prepared the Polish survey .

MarchApril: We worked out the Spanish and French version of  the gymkhana, and the Interactive books.

May-June: Living pictures

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