


Pupils' work in Sevilla

Pupils' work in Buzau

Pupils' work in Warszawa

Pupils' work in Liffré


Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils
Romanian teachers
Romanian pupils
Polish teachers
Polish pupils
French teachers
French pupils

Pupils' work in Liffré

September: Pupils had to resolve this exercise at home: How far do we live?

October-November: Each pupil had to create their self-portrait: a photo, a picture and their clues recorded.

November-December: Each pair published 2 problems about Brittany: Interactive Brittany.

December: Pupils had to resolve two exercices from Welcome in Brittany, 5 exercises created by pupils from last year and that were put online with the use of Google maps.

Each pupil had to answer a survey that was made by our Polish partners. Then they drew their graphs on a sheet.

January: These graphs had to be drawn with the use of spreadsheet.

March: Each pupil had to resolve problems included in the Spanish Gymkhana exit. Then they published their answers and comments by group.

April-May: Living pictures

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