


Pupils' work in Sevilla

Pupils' work in Buzau

Pupils' work in Warszawa

Pupils' work in Liffré


Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils
Romanian teachers
Romanian pupils
Polish teachers
Polish pupils
French teachers
French pupils

Assessment (2008-2009)
French teachers


Most of our students have not ever participated in a gymkhana. In order to show our students how a gymkhana should be done, the teachers a made real gymkhana in the centre of our city. We went with our students to the centre and spent there all the morning from 9.30 to 14:30 doing maths at the street, trying to solve the problems that we have created for them.

After that day we showed them the gymkhana from the last year. We decided which problems we were going to take out, like the one we had in Alamillo bridge, because it was very difficult to our partners. Some students decided to create a new problem. Other students decided to translate the problems, clues and information to create the French and Spanish version of the gymkhana.

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