


Pupils' work in Sevilla

Pupils' work in Buzau

Pupils' work in Warszawa

Pupils' work in Liffré


Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils
Romanian teachers
Romanian pupils
Polish teachers
Polish pupils
French teachers
French pupils

Assessment (2008-2009)
Spanish teachers

Intoducing ourselves activities

As far as the group of the students that belong to this project are always divided in two different groups and always there are other students who does not belong to the project. After explained the project several times, we have decided to write it down in this document, so the students can read it when he/she needs it.

To do the presentation of themselves, they should do three groups of six or seven people, take photos of the different groups and make text to describe themselves in this picture. Joining all the text they would do the slide-show.
After that we were going to use a didactical application like Hotpotatoes to do a game to the  students in the other countries: Who is who. All of this is explained to the Spanish students in the “A” block of this document.

We also explained to the students how to start playing to the Self-portrait game of the French team in this document, part B. To do this game they grouped themselves in two or three people. They were said to make a copy of the screen each time they got a point and paste in a file. They should send it by private mail to the teacher once they got 5 points.
We have watched the video from the Romanian together at the classroom the last day before Christmas, they should send the teacher a little comment about it.

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