


Pupils' work in Tampere

Pupils' work in Liffré



Finnish teachers
Finnish pupils
French teachers
French pupils

Assessment (2007-2008)
French teachers

"The e-twinning project enables pupils to show how curious they are and eager to learn! It provides them with an opportunity to practise what they have learnt in class. Thus, they have been able to introduce themselves, write about their likes and dislikes and describe their environment:their houses, their villages, their families. The fact that Finnish pupils read and sometimes hear the result of their work encourages them to be precise in the choice of words and expressions they use. Having contacts with other Europeans shows them how important it is to speak a foreign language. They are in a real situation of exchange and it is very motivating."

Slide shows 1: pupils and teachers

First session: I was slightly disappointed with the lack of efforts put in by some students. Some of them hadn’t prepared in order the sentences to copy, and hadn’t given a title to their pictures. Their commentaries were more or less similar, but it is quite understandable as they are at the start of their 6th form.

Last session: Eventually, the pupils took the work they had to do seriously and asked to their two teachers for help: my Maths colleague for all the technical aspect of the recording of their sentences, and myself for the final checking of their pronunciation and of the intonation of their reading. I went from a two-person team to another to check the work they had done, to encourage them on or to make the most reserved pupils repeat. The session proved to be enriching for all: the pupils had two teachers to assist them and the latter had more time to devote to each one.
Unfortunately, we were short of time to check the 23 pupils’ recordings because some of them had some capture errors to correct, before registering, so that the text would be correct. That is the reason why we took the late pupils back, a bit later on a private study period, to finish the work. This experience was really positive and the pupils are ready to repeat it.

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