


Pupils' work in Semice

Pupils' work in Liffré

Pupils' work in Sevilla



Works of art


Czech teachers
Czech pupils
French teachers
French pupils
Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils


  • This gymkhana sortie has been thought to be done full time on line, you only have to give your teacher a sheet of paper with the answers, but if for any reason your teacher decides, it is not the best for you, you can be given some informations by papers.
  • You need to have group of 2 or 3 students. Choose a name_group.
  • As your teacher if you can have the books, informations, calculators, notebooks,...
  • You suppose to come to Seville by train to do “The First on line Mathematical Gymkhana in Sevilla”. So the gymkhana starts in a mystery point in the google map , the point you first see when you arrive in Seville by train.
  • Every time you get to a point in the map, you can have:
      • Some information of that monument, bulding of the city (sometimes is part of the clue to go to next place).
      • One or more problems to solve.
      • A web page to consult the math concepts you need to solve that problem.
      • Clues to next place you have to go in the google map.
  • Every clue has some calculations to do. With the result of that calculation and the sheet of icons sortie you can go to next place.
  • We have given 5 points to every problem. But if there is only one group that has the right answer in one problem, it must be count doubled.
  • The students do not have to do all the problems to finish the gymkhana.
  • Your teacher will tell you, how and when you are going to do this gymkhana.
  • Some of the icons can not exist in the map. And others icons can be in the map, but have nothing, in this case, you should review your calculations, because they can be wrong.
  • Sometimes you need to zoom in or zoom out to see better the icons.
  • The group that at the end has more points is the winner group.
  • You suppose to enjoy this gymkhana and learn some about maths and about us.
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