


Pupils' work in Semice

Pupils' work in Liffré

Pupils' work in Sevilla



Works of art


Czech teachers
Czech pupils
French teachers
French pupils
Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils

Students' slide show

We had proposed to the students to make a movie, but they did not feel like the idea. No one wanted to talk. All of them wanted to record the movie.
So we proposed them to do it by writing, and they agreed. We left them to make different groups. At the end they decided 4 groups with more or less 6 students in each.
We took some pictures of the different groups all around the high school. We gave the pupils the pictures and they decided with ones they wanted to use.
Each group should do a slideshow with the pictures they have decided. And the teachers should decide the best one to send it to the other schools. As we have done it.
We have to say that nobody knew how to make a slideshow. So we had to learn these two programs “Powerpoint” and “Impress” (this one is the only program  who works in highschool computers for slideshows).

We had big problems with the music, everything worked when we did not use the music. But the students wanted to keep the music in. At the end we learnt enough to leave the music in the slideshow.

The secong big problem was the slideshow file was too big to mail it to France. We could also solve this problem with the French teacher´s help.

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