


Pupils' work in Semice

Pupils' work in Liffré

Pupils' work in Sevilla



Works of art


Czech teachers
Czech pupils
French teachers
French pupils
Spanish teachers
Spanish pupils

Assessment (2007-2008)
Spanish teachers


Works of Art

In February, the French teachers proposed us the activity about works of art. Though we did not have an art teacher in our team and we did not know how we were going to develop the activity, we accepted.
The guessing game has been very interesting, althoug some works hve been very difficult to guess.
Both teachers and students have enjoyed with the works of art. All of us have learnt about the French Art.  The students have enjoyed a lot looking for information in the web pages of the museums, wikipedia, google..... They had to do a work of investigation joining all the clues.
The only problem is that in June we have a lot of exams, because we finish the school year. It would be better for the next course to leave the month of June without activities. 

Congratulations  it is a great job.

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