eTwinning project

Mathematics and European stories by Lituanian pupils (2006-2007)

1.The clock: The clock in Vilnius shows 6.55 a.m. Calculate, after how many minutes the minute index will reach the hour index. The exponents/indexes move evenly. Paula and Karina

2.The city Alytus: Letters A, Y, L, S, T, U are written on six equal sheets of paper. We put the cards side by side occasionally. Calculate the calculus of probability, when we’ll get the word ALYTUS – the name of one of the cities in Lithuania. Gvidas and Ignas

3.The city Trakai: It is noted that the bus in the final terminal in Kaunas leaves for Trakai every 16 (sixteen) minutes. Every bus comes back to the final terminal in 1 hour and 45 minutes (from the beginning of the departure). How many buses will be need? Mindaugas and Tauras

4.The lakes in Lithuania: The distance between 2 lakes is 3,5 cm. The lakes are noted on the map of Lithuania  the scale of which is 1:200 000. What will the distance between these 2 lakes be, if the scale is 1:50 000? Ugne and Mindaugas

5.Mazhylis and Karlson: Mazhylis eats up the cake in 8 minutes, he eats up the jar of jam in 15 minutes. Karlson eats up the cake in 2 minutes, he eats up the jar of jam in 3 minutes.
1.Let’s suppose that Karlson has eaten x part of the cake and y part of jam. It is not difficult to believe, that it took 2x + 3y minutes to eat such amount of food. Express the time, during which Mazhylis will eat the remains of the food in variabilities x and y.
2.How much time at least will it take for Mazhylis and Karlson to eat the cake and jam, if they eat it together (but possibly not the same sort of food and not at the same time). What part of the cake and what amount of jam will Karlson eat in this case? Tomas, Evgeny and Nerijus

6.The column of buses on the highway: The column (10kilometres length) of buses is moving on the highway Kaunas – Klaipeda. The speed is constant – 60 km per hour. The motorbiker is being sent from the end of the column to the front of the column. He is expected to chase the front bus, give the letter and return back to end of the column in an hour.
1.Will he be able to carry out the task if he drives at medium 72 km/h speed?
2.Will it be enough medium 71 km/h speed to fulfil the task? Enrika, Dovile and Arminas

7.The brilliant: The formula of the price of the brilliant is C = am2: where m stands for the mass unit and a is a constant figure. It doesn’t depend upon the mass unit of the brilliant. The brilliant is cut onto 2 pieces.
1.You must find out: the ratio of mass units of the cut brilliant, when the sum of pieces makes 5/9 of the uncut brilliant.
2.What is the ratio of the mass units of the cut brilliant, when the sum of pieces is the least?
Laura, Skaiste and Egle

8.The group of tourists: The group of tourists from one Kaunas secondary school: 15 young men and 5 girls want to choose members by throwing lots to participate in the competition with the group of tourists from other Kaunas secondary school. What is the calculus of probability that two girls and two young men will be in the team? Jovita, Ruta and Orinta

9.The triangle: There are 5 segments the lengths of which are 1 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, 7 cm and 9 cm. We choose 2 of them by chance. Try to calculate the calculus of probability: that you could form the triangle of these 3 segments. Dovile and Mindaugas
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