Experiments without frontiers


Short description:
Using English as our common language and combining different school subjects, we wish to give our pupils the opportunity to communicate with other European teenagers and encourage them to be creative via interactive activities. Encourage them to be creative making different experiments, and at the same time they must solve the questions proposed by the partner students.  A calendar with the first activities planned is decided on at the beginning of the school year but other elements can be added throughout the year.

Age of pupils: 14-16 years old

Subjects: Art, Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Physics/Chemistry, Biology

Languages: español - English - français

Tools to be used: e-mail, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Web publishing

Motive the students to different subjects
learning by doing and by sharing
team working
developing respect towards other cultures
improving ICT skills, most notably web publishing
improving English language skills

Work process:
Introducing ourselves, our schools or our countries
Videos or slide-shows with experiments in Maths and Physics
Solve questions proposed by the partners
Getting to know artistic processes

Expected results:
Student productions: videos, Interactive books, slide shows, Web pages

mind mapping

Creative Commons License
contrat Creative Commons