Experiments without frontiers

Calendar (2009 - 2010)

Sevilla Making groups of pupils, explaining about the kind of work, asking for permissions.
Presenting ourselves and somes cities (English -French).
Learning how to create and use a blog.
Creating a blog for Spanish students.
Creating a students´blog in English.
Liffré Presentation of the word experiments and of all activities of this project by the teachers.
Learning how to create and use a blog.
Creating the 6 pupils' blogs
Introducing ourselves in Art.
Moerbeke-Waas Opening a French blog.
Introducing ourselves in French.
Sevilla Creating a logo for the project.
Creating 6 sciences experiments: 4 in biology and 2 in physics&chemistry.
Liffré Voting for the best beautiful logo.
Creating 6 maths experiments.
Moerbeke-Waas Voting for the best beautiful logo.
Writing about what pupils are learning about France.
Sevilla Working on French maths experiments.
Liffré Creating 6 art experiments.
Working on Spanish physics-chemistry experiments.
Moerbeke-Waas Working on Spanish physics-chemistry experiments.
Creating maths and sciences experiments.
Sevilla Working on French art experiments.
Working on Belgian sciences experiments.
Writing assessments.
Liffré Working on Belgian maths experiments.
Writing assessments.
Moerbeke-Waas Writing assessments.

French school year schedule

Spanish school year schedule


Belgian school year schedule

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